This value is used to determine the map dimensions. size = 4 is a normal map of 4,000 tiles (default) size = 20 is a huge map of 20,000 tiles
Level: Vital.
Category: Geological.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 1, Default: 4, Maximum: 29
Value set to 0
---- ===topology - Map topology index===Freeciv maps are always two-dimensional. They may wrap at the north-south and east-west directions to form a flat map, a cylinder, or a torus (donut). Individual tiles may be rectangular or hexagonal, with either a classic or isometric alignment - this should be set based on the tileset being used. 0 Flat Earth (unwrapped) 1 Earth (wraps E-W) 2 Uranus (wraps N-S) 3 Donut World (wraps N-S, E-W) 4 Flat Earth (isometric) 5 Earth (isometric) 6 Uranus (isometric) 7 Donut World (isometric) 8 Flat Earth (hexagonal) 9 Earth (hexagonal) 10 Uranus (hexagonal) 11 Donut World (hexagonal) 12 Flat Earth (iso-hex) 13 Earth (iso-hex) 14 Uranus (iso-hex) 15 Donut World (iso-hex) Classic rectangular: Isometric rectangular: _________ /\/\/\/\/\ |_|_|_|_|_| /\/\/\/\/\/ |_|_|_|_|_| \/\/\/\/\/\ |_|_|_|_|_| /\/\/\/\/\/ \/\/\/\/\/ Hex tiles: Iso-hex: /\/\/\/\/\/\ _ _ _ _ _ | | | | | | | / \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \ \/\/\/\/\/\/\ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ | | | | | | | / \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \ \/\/\/\/\/\/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/
Level: Vital.
Category: Geological.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 1, Maximum: 15
Value set to 0
---- ===generator - Method used to generate map===0 = Scenario map - no generator; 1 = Fully random height generator; [4] 2 = Pseudo-fractal height generator; [3] 3 = Island-based generator (fairer but boring) [1] Numbers in [] give the default values for placement of starting positions. If the default value of startpos is used then a startpos setting will be chosen based on the generator. See the "startpos" setting.
Level: Vital.
Category: Geological.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 1, Default: 1, Maximum: 3
Value set to 0
---- ===startpos - Method used to choose start positions===0 = Generator's choice. Selecting this setting means the default value will be picked based on the generator chosen. See the "generator" setting. 1 = Try to place one player per continent. 2 = Try to place two players per continent. 3 = Try to place all players on a single continent. 4 = Place players depending on size of continents. Note: generators try to create the right number of continents for the choice of start pos and to the number of players
Level: Vital.
Category: Geological.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 4
---- ===tinyisles - Presence of 1x1 islands===0 = no 1x1 islands; 1 = some 1x1 islands
Level: Rare.
Category: Geological.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 1
---- ===separatepoles - Whether the poles are separate continents===0 = continents may attach to poles; 1 = poles will usually be separate
Level: Situational.
Category: Geological.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 1, Maximum: 1
Value set to 0
---- ===alltemperate - All the map is temperate===0 = normal Earth-like planet; 1 = all-temperate planet
Level: Rare.
Category: Geological.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 1
---- ===temperature - Average temperature of the planet===Small values will give a cold map, while larger values will give a hotter map. 100 means a very dry and hot planet with no polar arctic zones, only tropical and dry zones. 70 means a hot planet with little polar ice. 50 means a temperate planet with normal polar, cold, temperate, and tropical zones; a desert zone overlaps tropical and temperate zones. 30 means a cold planet with small tropical zones. 0 means a very cold planet with large polar zones and no tropics
Level: Situational.
Category: Geological.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 50, Maximum: 100
Value set to 0
---- ===landmass - Percentage of the map that is land===This setting gives the approximate percentage of the map that will be made into land.
Level: Situational.
Category: Geological.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 15, Default: 30, Maximum: 85
Value set to 0
---- ===steepness - Amount of hills/mountains===Small values give flat maps, while higher values give a steeper map with more hills and mountains.
Level: Situational.
Category: Geological.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 30, Maximum: 100
Value set to 0
---- ===wetness - Amount of water on lands===Small values mean lots of dry, desert-like land; higher values give a wetter map with more swamps, jungles, and rivers.
Level: Situational.
Category: Geological.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 50, Maximum: 100
Value set to 0
---- ===mapseed - Map generation random seed===The same seed will always produce the same map; for zero (the default) a seed will be chosen based on the time to give a random map. This setting is usually only of interest while debugging the game.
Level: Rare.
Category: Internal.
Can only be used in server console. Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 2147483647
---- ===gameseed - Game random seed===For zero (the default) a seed will be chosen based on the time. This setting is usually only of interest while debugging the game
Level: Rare.
Category: Internal.
Can only be used in server console. Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 2147483647
---- ===specials - Amount of "special" resource squares===Special resources improve the basic terrain type they are on. The server variable's scale is parts per thousand.
Level: Vital.
Category: Ecological.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 250, Maximum: 1000
Value set to 0
---- ===huts - Amount of huts (minor tribe villages)===This setting gives the exact number of huts that will be placed on the entire map. Huts are small tribal villages that may be investiged by units.
Level: Vital.
Category: Geological.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 50, Maximum: 500
Value set to 0
---- ===minplayers - Minimum number of players===There must be at least this many players (connected human players or AI players) before the game can start.
Level: Vital.
Category: Internal.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 1, Default: 1, Maximum: 30
Value set to 0
---- ===maxplayers - Maximum number of players===The maximal number of human and AI players who can be in the game. When this number of players are connected in the pregame state, any new players who try to connect will be rejected.
Level: Vital.
Category: Internal.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 1, Default: 30, Maximum: 30
Value set to 0
---- ===aifill - Total number of players (including AI players)===If there are fewer than this many players when the game starts, extra AI players will be created to increase the total number of players to the value of this option.
Level: Vital.
Category: Internal.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 30
---- ===startunits - List of players' initial units===This should be a string of characters, each of which specifies a unit role. There must be at least one city founder in the string. The characters and their meanings are: c = City founder (eg., Settlers) w = Terrain worker (eg., Engineers) x = Explorer (eg., Explorer) k = Gameloss (eg., King) s = Diplomat (eg., Diplomat) d = Ok defense unit (eg., Warriors) D = Good defense unit (eg., Phalanx) a = Fast attack unit (eg., Horsemen) A = Strong attack unit (eg., Catapult)
Level: Vital.
Category: Sociological.
Can be changed during a game.
Default: "ccx"
Value set to
---- ===dispersion - Area where initial units are located===This is the radius within which the initial units are dispersed.
Level: Situational.
Category: Sociological.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 10
---- ===gold - Starting gold per player===At the beginning of the game, each player is given this much gold.
Level: Vital.
Category: Economic.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 50, Maximum: 5000
Value set to 0
---- ===techlevel - Number of initial techs per player===At the beginning of the game, each player is given this many technologies. The technologies chosen are random for each player.
Level: Vital.
Category: Scientific.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 50
---- ===researchcost - Points required to gain a new tech===This affects how quickly players can research new technology. Doubling its value will make all technologies take twice as long to research.
Level: Situational.
Category: Scientific.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 4, Default: 20, Maximum: 100
Value set to 0
---- ===techpenalty - Percentage penalty when changing tech===If you change your current research technology, and you have positive research points, you lose this percentage of those research points. This does not apply if you have just gained a technology this turn.
Level: Rare.
Category: Scientific.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 100, Maximum: 100
Value set to 0
---- ===diplcost - Penalty when getting tech from treaty===For each technology you gain from a diplomatic treaty, you lost research points equal to this percentage of the cost to research a new technology. You can end up with negative research points if this is non-zero.
Level: Rare.
Category: Scientific.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 100
---- ===conquercost - Penalty when getting tech from conquering===For each technology you gain by conquering an enemy city, you lose research points equal to this percentage of the cost to research a new technology. You can end up with negative research points if this is non-zero.
Level: Rare.
Category: Scientific.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 100
---- ===freecost - Penalty when getting a free tech===For each technology you gain "for free" (other than covered by diplcost or conquercost: specifically, from huts or from Great Library effects), you lose research points equal to this percentage of the cost to research a new technology. You can end up with negative research points if this is non-zero.
Level: Rare.
Category: Scientific.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 100
---- ===foodbox - Food required for a city to grow===This is the base amount of food required to grow a city. This value is multiplied by another factor that comes from the ruleset and is dependent on the size of the city.
Level: Situational.
Category: Economic.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 5, Default: 10, Maximum: 30
Value set to 0
---- ===aqueductloss - Percentage food lost when need aqueduct===If a city would expand, but it can't because it needs an Aqueduct (or Sewer System), it loses this percentage of its foodbox (or half that amount if it has a Granary).
Level: Rare.
Category: Economic.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 100
---- ===fulltradesize - Minimum city size to get full trade===There is a trade penalty in all cities smaller than this. The penalty is 100% (no trade at all) for sizes up to notradesize, and decreases gradually to 0% (no penalty except the normal corruption) for size=fulltradesize. See also notradesize.
Level: Rare.
Category: Economic.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 1, Default: 1, Maximum: 50
Value set to 0
---- ===notradesize - Maximum size of a city without trade===Cities do not produce any trade at all unless their size is larger than this amount. The produced trade increases gradually for cities larger than notradesize and smaller than fulltradesize. See also fulltradesize.
Level: Rare.
Category: Economic.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 49
---- ===unhappysize - City size before people become unhappy===Before other adjustments, the first unhappysize citizens in a city are content, and subsequent citizens are unhappy. See also cityfactor.
Level: Rare.
Category: Sociological.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 1, Default: 4, Maximum: 6
Value set to 0
---- ===angrycitizen - Whether angry citizens are enabled===Introduces angry citizens like in civilization II. Angry citizens have to become unhappy before any other class of citizens may be considered. See also unhappysize, cityfactor and governments.
Level: Situational.
Category: Sociological.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 1, Maximum: 1
Value set to 0
---- ===cityfactor - Number of cities for higher unhappiness===When the number of cities a player owns is greater than cityfactor, one extra citizen is unhappy before other adjustments; see also unhappysize. This assumes a Democracy; for other governments the effect occurs at smaller numbers of cities.
Level: Rare.
Category: Sociological.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 6, Default: 14, Maximum: 100
Value set to 0
---- ===citymindist - Minimum distance between cities===When a player founds a new city, it is checked if there is no other city in citymindist distance. For example, if citymindist is 3, there have to be at least two empty fields between two cities in every direction. If set to 0 (default), the ruleset value will be used.
Level: Situational.
Category: Sociological.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 5
---- ===rapturedelay - Number of turns between rapture effect===Sets the number of turns between rapture growth of a city. If set to n a city will grow after celebrating for n+1 turns.
Level: Situational.
Category: Sociological.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 1, Default: 1, Maximum: 99
Value set to 0
---- ===razechance - Chance for conquered building destruction===When a player conquers a city, each city improvement has this percentage chance to be destroyed.
Level: Rare.
Category: Military.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 20, Maximum: 100
Value set to 0
---- ===civstyle - civstyle is an obsolete setting===This setting is obsolete; it does nothing in the current version. It will be removed from future versions.
Level: Rare.
Category: Military.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 1, Default: 2, Maximum: 2
Value set to 0
---- ===occupychance - Chance of moving into tile after attack===If set to 0, combat is Civ1/2-style (when you attack, you remain in place). If set to 100, attacking units will always move into the tile they attacked if they win the combat (and no enemy units remain in the tile). If set to a value between 0 and 100, this will be used as the percent chance of "occupying" territory.
Level: Rare.
Category: Military.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 100
---- ===killcitizen - Reduce city population after attack===This flag indicates if city population is reduced after successful attack of enemy unit, depending on its movement type (OR-ed): 1 = land 2 = sea 4 = heli 8 = air
Level: Rare.
Category: Military.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 1, Maximum: 15
Value set to 0
---- ===wtowervision - Range of vision for units in a fortress===If set to 1, it has no effect. If 2 or larger, the vision range of a unit inside a fortress is set to this value, if the necessary invention has been made. This invention is determined by the flag 'Watchtower' in the techs ruleset. See also wtowerevision.
Level: Rare.
Category: Military.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 1, Default: 2, Maximum: 3
Value set to 0
---- ===wtowerevision - Extra vision range for units in a fortress===If set to 0, it has no effect. If larger than 0, the vision range of a unit is raised by this value, if the unit is inside a fortress and the invention determined by the flag 'Watchtower' in the techs ruleset has been made. Always the larger value of wtowervision and wtowerevision will be used. Also see wtowervision.
Level: Rare.
Category: Military.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 2
---- ===borders - National borders radius===If this is set to greater than 0, then any land tiles within the given radius of a city will be owned by that nation. Special rules apply for ocean tiles or tiles within range of more than one nation's cities.
Level: Situational.
Category: Military.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 7, Maximum: 24
Value set to 0
---- ===happyborders - Units inside borders cause no unhappiness===If this is set, units will not cause unhappiness when inside your own borders.
Level: Situational.
Category: Military.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 1, Maximum: 1
Value set to 0
---- ===diplomacy - Ability to do diplomacy with other players===0 = default; diplomacy is enabled for everyone. 1 = diplomacy is only allowed between human players. 2 = diplomacy is only allowed between AI players. 3 = diplomacy is restricted to teams. 4 = diplomacy is disabled for everyone. You can always do diplomacy with players on your team.
Level: Situational.
Category: Military.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 4
---- ===citynames - Allowed city names===0 = There are no restrictions: players can have multiple cities with the same names. 1 = City names have to be unique to a player: one player can't have multiple cities with the same name. 2 = City names have to be globally unique: all cities in a game have to have different names. 3 = Like setting 2, but a player isn't allowed to use a default city name of another nations unless it is a default for their nation also.
Level: Rare.
Category: Sociological.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 1, Maximum: 3
Value set to 0
---- ===barbarians - Barbarian appearance frequency===0 = no barbarians 1 = barbarians only in huts 2 = normal rate of barbarian appearance 3 = frequent barbarian uprising 4 = raging hordes, lots of barbarians
Level: Vital.
Category: Military.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 2, Maximum: 4
Value set to 0
---- ===onsetbarbs - Barbarian onset year===Barbarians will not appear before this year.
Level: Vital.
Category: Military.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: -4000, Default: -2000, Maximum: 5000
Value set to 0
---- ===revolen - Length in turns of revolution===When changing governments, a period of anarchy lasting this many turns will occur. Setting this value to 0 will give a random length of 1-6 turns.
Level: Rare.
Category: Sociological.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 10
---- ===fogofwar - Whether to enable fog of war===If this is set to 1, only those units and cities within the vision range of your own units and cities will be revealed to you. You will not see new cities or terrain changes in tiles not observed.
Level: Rare.
Category: Military.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 1, Maximum: 1
Value set to 0
---- ===diplchance - Chance in diplomat/spy contests===A diplomatic unit acting against a city which has one or more defending diplomatic units has a diplchance (percent) chance to defeat each such defender. Also, the chance of a spy returning from a successful mission is diplchance percent (diplomats never return). This value is also the basic chance of success for diplomats and spies. Defending spies are generally twice as capable as diplomats; veteran units are 50% more capable than non-veteran ones.
Level: Situational.
Category: Military.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 1, Default: 80, Maximum: 99
Value set to 0
---- ===spacerace - Whether to allow space race===If this option is set to 1, players can build spaceships.
Level: Vital.
Category: Scientific.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 1, Maximum: 1
Value set to 0
---- ===civilwarsize - Minimum number of cities for civil war===A civil war is triggered if a player has at least this many cities and the player's capital is captured. If this option is set to the maximum value, civil wars are turned off altogether.
Level: Rare.
Category: Sociological.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 6, Default: 10, Maximum: 1000
Value set to 0
---- ===contactturns - Turns until player contact is lost===Players may meet for diplomacy this number of turns after their units have last met, even if they do not have an embassy. If set to zero then players cannot meet unless they have an embassy.
Level: Rare.
Category: Military.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 20, Maximum: 100
Value set to 0
---- ===savepalace - Rebuild palace if capital is conquered===If this is set to 1, then when the capital is conquered the palace is automatically rebuilt for free in another randomly choosen city. This is significant because the technology requirement for building a palace will be ignored.
Level: Rare.
Category: Military.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 1, Maximum: 1
Value set to 0
---- ===naturalcitynames - Whether to use natural city names===If enabled, the default city names will be determined based on the surrounding terrain.
Level: Rare.
Category: Sociological.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 1, Maximum: 1
Value set to 0
---- ===allowtake - Players that users are allowed to take===This should be a string of characters, each of which specifies a type or status of a civilization (player). Clients will only be permitted to take or observe those players which match one of the specified letters. This only affects future uses of the take or observe command; it is not retroactive. The characters and their meanings are: o,O = Global observer b = Barbarian players d = Dead players a,A = AI players h,H = Human players The first description on this list which matches a player is the one which applies. Thus 'd' does not include dead barbarians, 'a' does not include dead AI players, and so on. Upper case letters apply before the game has started, lower case letters afterwards. Each character above may be followed by one of the following numbers to allow or restrict the manner of connection: (none) = Controller allowed, observers allowed, can displace connections. (Displacing a connection means that you may take over a player, even if another user already controls that player.) 1 = Controller allowed, observers allowed, can't displace connections; 2 = Controller allowed, no observers allowed, can displace connections; 3 = Controller allowed, no observers allowed, can't displace connections; 4 = No controller allowed, observers allowed;
Level: Rare.
Category: Networking.
Can be changed during a game.
Default: "HAhadOo"
Value set to
---- ===autotoggle - Whether AI-status toggles with connection===If this is set to 1, AI status is turned off when a player connects, and on when a player disconnects.
Level: Situational.
Category: Networking.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 1
---- ===endyear - Year the game ends===The game will end at the end of the given year.
Level: None.
Category: Sociological.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: -4000, Default: 2000, Maximum: 5000
Value set to 0
---- ===timeout - Maximum seconds per turn===If all players have not hit "Turn Done" before this time is up, then the turn ends automatically. Zero means there is no timeout. In servers compiled with debugging, a timeout of -1 sets the autogame test mode. Use this with the command "timeoutincrease" to have a dynamic timer.
Level: Vital.
Category: Internal.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: -1, Default: 0, Maximum: 8639999
---- ===nettimeout - Seconds to let a client's network connection block===If a network connection is blocking for a time greater than this value, then the connection is closed. Zero means there is no timeout (although connections will be automatically disconnected eventually).
Level: Rare.
Category: Networking.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 10, Maximum: 120
Value set to 0
---- ===netwait - Max seconds for network buffers to drain===The server will wait for up to the value of this parameter in seconds, for all client connection network buffers to unblock. Zero means the server will not wait at all.
Level: Rare.
Category: Networking.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 4, Maximum: 20
Value set to 0
---- ===pingtime - Seconds between PINGs===The civserver will poll the clients with a PING request each time this period elapses.
Level: Rare.
Category: Networking.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 1, Default: 20, Maximum: 1800
Value set to 0
---- ===pingtimeout - Time to cut a client===If a client doesn't reply to a PING in this time the client is disconnected.
Level: Rare.
Category: Networking.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 60, Default: 60, Maximum: 1800
Value set to 0
---- ===turnblock - Turn-blocking game play mode===If this is set to 1 the game turn is not advanced until all players have finished their turn, including disconnected players.
Level: Situational.
Category: Internal.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 1, Maximum: 1
Value set to 0
---- ===fixedlength - Fixed-length turns play mode===If this is set to 1 the game turn will not advance until the timeout has expired, even if all players have clicked on "Turn Done".
Level: Situational.
Category: Internal.
Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 1
---- ===demography - What is in the Demographics report===This should be a string of characters, each of which specifies the inclusion of a line of information in the Demographics report. The characters and their meanings are: N = include Population P = include Production A = include Land Area L = include Literacy R = include Research Speed S = include Settled Area E = include Economics M = include Military Service O = include Pollution Additionally, the following characters control whether or not certain columns are displayed in the report: q = display "quantity" column r = display "rank" column b = display "best nation" column The order of characters is not significant, but their capitalization is.
Level: Situational.
Category: Internal.
Can be changed during a game.
Default: "NASRLPEMOqrb"
Value set to
---- ===saveturns - Turns per auto-save===The game will be automatically saved per this number of turns. Zero means never auto-save.
Level: Vital.
Category: Internal.
Can only be used in server console. Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 10, Maximum: 200
Value set to 0
---- ===compress - Savegame compression level===If non-zero, saved games will be compressed using zlib (gzip format). Larger values will give better compression but take longer. If the maximum is zero this server was not compiled to use zlib.
Level: Rare.
Category: Internal.
Can only be used in server console. Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 6, Maximum: 9
Value set to 0
---- ===savename - Auto-save name prefix===Automatically saved games will have name ".sav". This setting sets the part.
Level: Vital.
Category: Internal.
Can only be used in server console. Can be changed during a game.
Default: "civgame"
Value set to
---- ===scorelog - Whether to log player statistics===If this is set to 1, player statistics are appended to the file "civscore.log" every turn. These statistics can be used to create power graphs after the game.
Level: Situational.
Category: Internal.
Can only be used in server console. Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 0, Maximum: 1
---- ===gamelog - Detail level for logging game events===Only applies if the game log feature is enabled (with the -g command line option). Levels: 0=no logging, 20=standard logging, 30=detailed logging, 40=debuging logging.
Level: Situational.
Category: Internal.
Can only be used in server console. Can be changed during a game.
Minimum: 0, Default: 20, Maximum: 40
Value set to 0